Happy New Year! Hopefully Merry Mayhem treated everyone better than it did us. Yet another busy month and we have been working hard on our January Updates. We added some new content to the site in January. A few of the bigger updates are listed below!

List of January 2023 Updates:
– Updated some mining finds on the Mining Map for 2023 confirmed finds.
– Added some notable loot to some Mob Pages.
– Have finished updating maps on each Mob Page to new version map and added additional Mob locations when found.
– All location information added to the Land map of all mob locations.
– All location information added to the Water map of all mob locations.
– Created a page for Unstable Turrelion Assassinator Epic Mission.
Mazeweaver page updated with missions, maze layout and rewards.
– Additional wave spawns information added to wave spawn page.
– Updated Mining Map and Teleporter Map to reflect new map design.
– Added more locations to PVP page.
– Finished adding scans and info to Zeladoth Mob Page.
– Finished adding missing information to Zyn’Tukano Psyche Master Page.
– Various small corrections.

– Started Blueprint Project. You can find them on the top Menu under Items – Blueprints. This will likely take a couple of months to get through.

As always any suggestions on content you would like to see, information or errors can be submitted via our Discord or find me in game Gradara Akasha Thukilar.