Complete the Tanhok Ambassador Epic chain first.
Senator Calvin Neff
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Stage | Mission Name | Requirements | Reward |
11 | Stage 11: The Senator Speaks! | Talk to Senator Neff and Create Wasp Queen Bait | Wasp Queen Bait |
12 | Stage 12: The Empis Queen | Kill the Empis Wasp Queen for Rare Parts |
Once you have the Wasp Queen Bait talk to the Tanhok Master Hunter (Click to Copy WP) and they will give you a Zekkonian Wasp Queen Call once every 6 hours. You take the Zekkonian Wasp Queen Call to Tanhok Master Tracker (Click to Copy WP) and they will summon the Queen. She spawns Here (Click to copy WP).

Wasp Queen Bait Materials:
1x Tanhok Amber
1x Imperium Key Cube
1x Strong Sinew
1250x Nova Fragments
1250x Blazar Fragments
1000x Vibrant Sweat
22x Super Adhesive
Put these in a refiner to create the Wasp Queen Bait

To make Neff’s Stim Pack you will need to put the following in a refiner:
– 40x Imperium Key Cube
– 1x Tanhok Amber
– 5x Wasp Queen Eggs
– 5x Wasp Queen Empty Stinger
– 5x Wasp Queen Gland
– 5x Wasp Queen Undeveloped Wing
– 5x Wasp Queen Leg
– 5x Wasp Queen Venom