Daily SSI Event by BIG Industries
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Mon-Fri 20:00, Sat/Sun 15:00 UTC

Weak Paneleon spread across Cyrene are also make great solo sweat creatures.
Many people sweat these Paneleon here.

Dire Weeds are also a recommended swunt mob for Dodge Skill.

There is also a large sweat mission chain that can be found on this page Zyn’Tukano Psyche Master.

Missions that you can complete by swunting

Mission NameRequirementsRewardCooldownNPC Location
Doctor Bylar - Paneleon ControlCollect samples by killing Paneleon across Cyrene
883 - Weak
Creature Control Capsule - Paneleon Dominant7 DaysClick to Copy WP
Paneleon Hunter Jameson’s Mission- Visit Paneleon Hunter Jameson
- Kill 18 Paneleons with Trade Terminal Weapons
1.5 PED Universal Ammo24 HoursClick to Copy WP - Paneleon Hunter Jameson
Arms Merchant – Ozpyn BPX-P1 or Ozpyn BPX-P3Visit Private ‘Snow’ Landon – Arms Merchant
- Hunt a bunch of creatues around Rookie Training Area
- Turn in 5 PED of Robot Component Residue for a Ozpyn BPX-P1
- Turn in 9 PED of Animal Oil Residue for a Ozpyn BPX-P3
Ozpyn BPX-P1 or Ozpyn BPX-P314 DaysClick to Copy WP - Private ‘Snow’ Landon
Get Sweaty!Turn in 500 Sweat1x A.R.C. Faction Badge21 HoursClick to Copy WP
Pet Master: Low Level Taming DailyTame 35 Arret or 40 Weak Paneleon~0.04 PED Animal Taming Skill21 HoursClick to Copy WP

Thanks to Fire DBug Fly for helping contribute to this page