Drops from: Old Tide Claw

Refine one A.R.C. Tier 2 Limited Weapon Voucher (0.01 PED) with 2625 Kaisenite Ingots (157.5 PED).

You will receive one A.R.C. Tier 2 Limited Weapon Cube (157.51 PED) back.

Have the A.R.C. Tier 2 Limited Weapon Cube in your inventory and 500 A.R.C. Faction Badges and go to The Hub.
Take the A.R.C. Faction Stage 2 Teleporter.
Go to the A.R.C. Faction Terminal.

Find the Ecotron v.26b in the terminal select it and click buy.

Drag the limited weapon cube into the window. Once text changes to green select the checkmark.


Gun Acquired!