The Imperium Ranger is shared loot mob that has 3 maturities that are found at 6 locations around the planet. They respawn approximately every 6 hours. You can kill a ranger at each location and receive badges once every 24 hours.

Any players who enter the area when these Mobs are around will get a mission to kill it. If you are in an area where it spawns you will need to leave the area and go back in to get the mission. If you do not get the mission, you are still on your 24 hour cooldown period. You will not get badges unless you have the mission.

To complete the mission and receive badges you must do at least 1 point of DMG to the mob or heal someone prior to killing it who does do DMG to the mob.

People will generally announce in chat when a ranger has spawned and everyone who wants to take part in killing it will gather. Sometimes people don’t wait long so it’s customary to let them know you are on your way.

Some people announce the mob has spawned in #Cyrene and some in a dedicated channel #Cyrene_Rangers, many announce in both. Usually you give the area and a WP to the spawn.

Example: Desert Tier 2 Ranger – [Planet Cyrene, 135886, 79766, 158, Imperium Ranger – Tier 2]

Shortcuts to Mob locations
There are two shortcuts to the farther mob locations via point to point teleport rings.
Zel Shortcut can be found Here - Click to Copy WP
ZRQ/Robot – Here - Click to Copy WP then Here - Click to Copy WP

Imperium Ranger Tier 1445000Impact / Penetration / BurnScanClick to Copy WP - Atlas
Click to Copy WP - Rana
Imperium Ranger Tier 2506000Impact / Penetration / BurnScanClick to Copy WP - Desert
Click to Copy WP - ZRQ/Robot
Imperium Ranger Tier 3567000Impact / Penetration / BurnScanClick to Copy WP - Biome
Click to Copy WP - Zel

Mission NameRequirementsRewardCooldown
Manuthale Swamp Imperium Ranger Hunt!Kill the Imperium Ranger Tier 13x A.R.C. Faction Badge24 Hours
Atlas Haven Imperium Ranger Hunt!Kill the Imperium Ranger Tier 13x A.R.C. Faction Badge24 Hours
Robot Base ZRQ Imperium Hunt!Kill the Imperium Ranger Tier 26x A.R.C. Faction Badge24 Hours
Turrelion Desert Imperium Ranger Hunt!Kill the Imperium Ranger Tier 26x A.R.C. Faction Badge24 Hours
Island Biome Imperium Ranger Hunt!Kill the Imperium Ranger Tier 310x A.R.C. Faction Badge24 Hours
Isle de Zel Imperium Ranger Hunt!Kill the Imperium Ranger Tier 310x A.R.C. Faction Badge24 Hours