
The next phase of the Cypher of Hyden mission – Stabilize the Unstable. A way to unbound and improve their Unstable Turrelion Assassinator.

You must complete the Unstable Turrelion Assassinator Epic chain before you can turn in the missions for the Stable gun.

“Faction Loyalty – Stabilize the Unstable” Wes Roberts – Faction Loyalty Plaque?

Roughly 1 point per 20 mobs but it is random. Same for all mobs and maturity does not seem to matter.

Volt Faction – Skull Birds
Imperium Faction – Mecha Lupines (Snow Base Event)
Turrelion Faction – Duster
Manuthale Faction – Zyn’dos
Zekkonian Faction – Merfolken (Est: 100,000-120,000 Kills)
Zyn Faction – Wiles, Skreel, Muckjaw,
A.R.C./Boffin Faction – (see Lady Dumont Below)

Betty the Boss Rush Verifier – Byd Byrd Trophy

Singing Billy – Defeated Challengers Blood?

New THUNDEROUS Golem Location – Thunderous Gem Shards

Estimated about 500,000 Kills required to get 1000 Thunderous Gem Shards to turn-in (Thank you Baelrahyn Bael Riverwind for the info!)

Malcolm ‘Stormforged’ Angus Click to Copy WP – Malcolm ‘Stormforged’ Angus’ Autograph

A.R.C. Base Commander Burnett – Click to Copy WP – A.R.C. Commander’s Badge. I believe you cannot see this mission unless you have the unstable weapon.