Notable Loot: Mostly Intact Skull Bird Skull, Big Bird Wing, Ozpyn BPX – P6 (L), Imperium Issue HK 3300 (L) (Guardian), Ozpyn LPX – P6 (L), Ozpyn BPX – P9 (L), Paint Can (Volt)

Other Loot: Shrapnel, Animal Eye Oil, Animal Muscle Oil, Animal Thyroid Oil, Animal Oil Residue, Electronic Stabilizing Component, High Speed Control Component, Animal Hide, Fine Wool, Socket 2 Component, Tier 1 Component, Wool, Soft Hide, Basic Metal Extractor, Basic Stone Extractor, Diluted Cloth Extractor, Paint Can (Violet Cream), Paint Can (Yellow), Paint Can (Dark Green), Basic Gem Extractor, Superior Cloth Extractor, Paint Can (Olive), Fine Hide

Young Skull Bird1024024Penetration / Cut / StabScanClick to Copy WP
Click to Copy WP
Mature Skull Bird1477055Penetration / Cut / StabScanClick to Copy WP
Old Skull Bird21130061.9Penetration / Cut / StabScanClick to Copy WP
Provider Skull Bird28183065.3Penetration / Cut / StabScanClick to Copy WP
Guardian Skull Bird32236073.7Penetration / Cut / StabScanClick to Copy WP
Dominant Skull Bird36289080.2Penetration / Cut / StabScanClick to Copy WP
Alpha Skull Bird42342081.4Penetration / Cut / StabScanClick to Copy WP
Old Alpha Skull Bird46395085.8Penetration / Cut / StabScanClick to Copy WP
Prowler Skull Bird51480094.1Penetration / Cut / StabScanClick to Copy WP
Stalker Skull Bird54533098.7Penetration / Cut / StabScanClick to Copy WP
Rhyncho Bird61480078.6Impact / PenetrationScanClick to Copy WP
Click to Copy WP
Click to Copy WP
Mission NameRequirementsRewardCooldownNPC Location
A.R.C. Faction Mission -
Stage 1 - Skull Bird
Kill 25x Skull Bird2x A.R.C. Faction BadgeOne TimeClick to Copy WP
Doctor Bylar - Skill Up?Collect samples by killing Mobs across Cyrene:
60x Young Skull Bird
Generation III 5P1D3R
Gatherer Protocore
Fenris Elite Guard
Old Mang Chang
Lava Infused Golem
Rhyncho Bird
Purslane Weed
Engorged Crystal Pede
2x Neurobiotic Booster A1 5MG7 DaysClick to Copy WP
Stage 7: Yes, All the Skulls...Kill 4400 Skull BirdsTanhok Stage 7 Completion CoinEpic - One TimeTanhok Ambassador Epic
Gear Up: New Fap - Stage 11- Get 5000 points killing Skull Birds
– Attempt to craft 60 Ore Skullmalgams (Blueprint is in the Technician Terminal)
– Turn in 30 Ore Skullmalgams + Fully repaired H.E.A.R.T. + 8,000 Animal Oil Residue
Vigorous Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VIII or
Speedy Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VIII or
Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VIII
Epic - One TimeRefurbished H.E.A.R.T. FAP
Zyn’viathan – Part 2 of 10 – Intact Skull Bird SkullsGet 40,000 Skulls Bird kill points.Zyn'viathan Coin TwoEpic - One TimeThe Zyn’viathan Epic