April flew by didn’t it? I feel like I barely got time to play… that being said the following things were updated!

List of April 2023 Updates:
– Updated some mining finds on the Mining Map for 2023 confirmed finds.
– Added some notable loot to some Mob Pages.
– Have been still populating information about blueprints to the various pages. This will continue to take a few months to complete. There is a post in the discord about what blueprints I still need links to. List can be found in the post Looking for Blueprint Links! page
– At the request of the community created a Imperium Ranger info page
– Updated HUB Page
– Update Unstable Turrelion Assassinator Epic page with more information and locations
– Added content to Spring 2023 VU Page
– Created a page for A.R.C. Weapon Voucher information
– Various small corrections.

As always any suggestions on content you would like to see, information or errors can be submitted via our Discord or find me in game Gradara Akasha Thukilar.